Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hana Montana Al Desnudo

CCP shows a preview of physics applied to clothing ...

Thanks to APEX, finalization by nVidia, the company CCP (processor, for example, the game EVE Online ) created a demonstration on some clothes avatars. And 'There are several female avatars and clothing for their move with a natural impressive, touching and climbing stairs, moving and falling attracted by gravity. A video to gaze at and perhaps to contemplate:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Otb Betting In Montreal

can save Virtual Worlds the world? CryEngine 3

Some people think that is possible and also explained how:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Directions On How To Make A Stand Up Bike Cake

power, realism and perfection: the degree to which came the modern game engines is incredible. This I want, I want this! Enjoy the presentation of the new Crytek's CryEngine 3 :

Video Games virtual worlds and its projects, as well as the restructuring of companies known as Forterra . We see a small recapitulate what is happening and has happened:
Early January 2010: the announcement by the blog
blog news of the sale by Forterra entire technology developed by them to American society blog
Opensource Obscure.
Closure Project DarkStar
  1. and its consequent fork. March 9, 2010: always
  2. Massively
  3. , along with other blog, reflects the closure of Virtual World popular with young people. gather black clouds of a possible closure on the future of Project Wonderland
  4. , whose development and maintenance were then assigned to a specific and newly formed Foundation:
  5. The question is therefore what is happening. Raph Koster
  6. , from his blog, has launched a challenge to reflect on this theme entitled: "Are virtual worlds over?", "Virtual worlds are finished, have been exceeded?" I must admit that reading the article I was filled with a deep sadness. Above all, I was struck by the great disenchantment and the ability of the author in pointing out the true wishes of the users on how they think it should be a Virtual World. The feeling is that you have read and understood for the first time the extreme difference between my dreams and reality users' wishes users of virtual worlds. It 's a really bitter and disillusioned away from the "magnificent and progressive" that the technology of the past, we proposed, far from the descriptions of the Metaverse as a place non-place of the supreme simulation and interaction. But above all, what strikes me most is the full awareness of the author in saying that you want to change these perceptions and it would take such and so many resources to make the connection almost impossible. Who wants to essentially create a virtual world of success must follow precise and simple rules, do not get lost behind the desire to create a world recreated in the computer with which you can interact with photo-realistic graphics, immersion, sharing, artificial intelligence, etc etc. It is true then what has already been prophesied by Edward Castronova
  7. calling to focus on what users want, rather than getting lost behind the dream of "virtual reality" perfect. Disappears from the sublime and unattainable dream of a MayaVerse, a universe simulation of a totally immersive and shared. But dreams, it is known, are hard to die for us .... MayaVerse, the virtual world perfect, hyper-realistic, interactive and even a possible reality and perfect living and future generations.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wetting Latigo Leather

virtual worlds that are closing and restructuring companies, perhaps the end of a dream ...

Here is the trailer for TRON Legacy awaited sequel to the now legendary TRON
  • . A must-see for those who love Mondi Virtuali!! Eccovi il video:
  • Thursday, March 11, 2010

    Moto Guzzi Is It Any Good

    black flower earrings bronze



    Pendant with Delicas 11 / 0 matte black and dark bronze, rocailles 15/0 dark bronze ,

    cabochon in vetro bronze pailletè 16 mm.

    Lo schema è di Intrecci e lo potete trovare sul numero 13 della rivista Fashion Gems

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    Daniel Jones Sculpture

    the trailer for TRON Legacy ... The Saga of Ryzom

    Spesso quando sento parlare di programmi "Opensource" o in generale del movimento
    Opensource ". Una delle licenze più famose è la GPL la cui caratteristica principale è quella di essere definita come una "licenza viral "anyone can edit the source code, but is obliged to release it to turn under the same GPL. Clearly, there are many different licenses with different possibilities so much that has been made to create lists

    sites and comparison of different legal nuances. The main concept is valid and very interesting, however, provide an opportunity for everyone to change, modify, update, expand the software and then share with others their jobs. This idea, which apparently might seem very simple, has given rise to numerous software much used today are supported by large community of developers who strive to continuously improve software. The reasons are obviously the most diverse: some are easy to love, others for work, study, even in academic research. Often open source projects have developed from scratch entire opensource versions of commercial applications, or were born to the most diverse needs. Certainly this is an incredible movement that, thanks to the proliferation of computer skills in the world can build on the work of thousands of people each with their skills. Who in fact is not a developer may even help write manuals, tutorials or guides for use, charts to think the graphics and so on. The idea is so good, however after the initial excitement, most people begin to wonder and ask: "Ok everything is great, but I like camp? Who pays for my work?". The answer is simple and is based on the consideration that the equation "Open = Free" is totally incorrect and misleading. As we have amply demonstrated the general requirement is to release the source code of your software, no do not let you pay. You may well decide to sell your software or other products and services associated with the program achieved. One possibility is to create such a user fee to guide and illustrate how to run the software released or even make you pay as consultants. The modes are practically infinite and molto dipende da cosa offrite. Spesso poter scaricare migliaia di righe di un programma ha soltanto un valore inestimabile per chi ha le capacità di apportare modifiche a quel codice, ma gli utenti possono essere solo interessati all'utilizzo del software, non al suo sviluppo. Se scaricate l'ultimo sorgente XYZ rilasciato sotto licenza GPL, siete contentissimi, ma non capite nulla di compilatori e linker, cosa avete sul vostro Hard-disk? La risposta è semplice: nulla di utile e potrebbe essere un'occasione (giustamente) commerciale/economica per lo sviluppatore che ha trascorso centinaia di ore davanti ad un computer per far funzionare quel particolare calcolo o procedura. In realtà non esiste una ricetta semplice per comprendere come sviluppare, use, open source marketing a product, each case is unique, but the concept is basic to its revolutionary dare. We therefore think anyone has ever developed an MMORPG using open source tools? In a proceeding after we have given a positive answer to this question, but there 'who has gone further by building an entire middleware framework for creating a MMORPG. The whole MMORPG Ryzom which is freely modifiable under the GPL. The company that developed it has released the full suite of Ryzom
    which is the best fruit. No coincidence that we read from their website (link: ): "In is working on Windows, Linux and Mac under the GNU General Public License .
    Ryzom MMORPG is based on in the framework and is the best example of what you can do with Nel. " We can see an example of this amazing MMORPG game below:

    Monday, March 8, 2010

    Element Skateboards Columbus Ohio

    and the GPL ...

    The application of this post may seem trivial, nice graphics can always look for an advantage an MMO, but in reality it is not always the case. Often what attracts players and users in general is not so much a photo-realistic 3D graphics and engaging, as a gaming system or well done or an environment involving the ability to create and share content. For example, if you are in SL made many improvements to graphs such as the use of technology WindLight and other developments in the graphics engine has been reached, however, an inherent limit that is not surmountable. So if this feature is seen by some as a limitation for others it is not absolutely essential. Conversely those who may come from a MMORPG Age of Conan as

    based on proprietary technology
    DreamWorld Engine
    , remains deeply disappointed by graphics maybe very stylized, with fewer side effects and texture of low-level. The blog

    Massively has proposed a similar question to his readers wondering what graphics catturaro have their attention, or has surprised and answers were more diverse. Many have indicated and Aion Age of Conan MMORPG as two of the most captivating and breathtaking graphics, but many have still sided with the popular World of Warcraft The conclusion we draw from these discussions is that the use the latest technology in 3D graphics, be they hardware or software, are certainly something to be desired and admired, but can not be considered an essential element for the success of an MMO. Certainly help to capture the imagination and the desire of users who are catapulted into an imaginary world, but a game is not just graphics, very affecting social interaction, listening to the desires of the users play, the dynamics of the same .

    Saturday, March 6, 2010

    Play Yellow On Vba Mac

    But stunning graphics is really important in a MMO?

    The MayaVerse not yet exist, but to start I have commissioned a talented designer to its logo. The result is beautiful to me! Architect Thanks! ;-)