Monday, November 30, 2009

Pokemon Monopoly Online

creative sewing



Questa volta non è bigiotteria ma cucito creativo...

La gallina portaspago in feltro è tratta da un modello di Un mondo di fantasia

mentre la presina in appliquè con Babbo Natale, è tratta da un modello di Art to heart

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wedding Program Verse

Struts vs JSF, the main differences between the two frameworks for the Web

Struts e JavaServer Faces (JSF) sono due framework Java basati sul design pattern architetturale Model-View-Controller (MVC). Struts è il framework più usato nelle architetture J2EE per implementare l'MVC, questo sia per un fattore cronologico (è nato prima di JSF), sia perché, come vedremo, ci permette di rendere più efficace l'applicazione, di avere meno bug e di risparmiare tempo in fase di sviluppo.

Ogni applicazione realizzata con Struts o con JSF ha, come colonne portanti, l'insieme delle classi e delle interfacce che compongono i framework.

Segue l' articolo integrale .

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Where Can You Buy Wellies

migrate a Joomla site between different servers to move a Joomla site from one server to another.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Wedding Dance For Version Mount And Blade

vectors and arrays in Java

A tutorial useful to review quickly the differences between vectors and arrays in Java.

Monday, September 21, 2009

1996 Dutchman 18' Travel Trailer

Accelerated RegEx Tutorial

A regular expression is a concise way to express the search for a complex string based on pattern recognition. In this page is a tutorial to learn English in regular expressions using RegEx. Again, this is a tutorial on RegEx .

Monday, September 7, 2009

Samantha Anderson 38gg

Installing Ant on Windows

Installing Ant using binary and sources in Windows.
Ant, is available in binary format than in source for Windows . E 'possible to make the download in Zip format . Prerequisite, as for the Unix environments, and 'the presence of of JDK version higher than 1.2. The installation procedure is the same as that in * nix environment.

E 'should be noted that on some systems which Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME, you may experience problems if the variable ANT_HOME uses the long filename format, it is therefore necessary to use the old form "8.3" when you choose the directory in which to install the tool.

As in Unix, when using the optional task, you must install the related JAR libraries, installed in the lib directory or suitably setting the environment variable CLASSPATH so ant to know where to find them. Even under Windows, you must set ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME :
C: \\> September ANT_HOME = c: \\ ant
C: \\> September JAVA_HOME = c: \\ java
C: \\> ; set PATH =% PATH%% ANT_HOME% \\ bin

Depending on the system used, do not type each session, you can enter in file c: \\ autoexec.bat or through My Computer-> Properties Advanced tab and then Environment Variables button.

Fm Transmitter Using Labview

Set the variables used to make Java under Windows

Set the variables used to make Java command line under Windows (

Set environment variables:
To set environment variables in Windows 2000/XP, do the following way:
1. On the Start menu choose Settings and then Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, double-click System.
3. A dialog box displays the System Properties, click the Advanced tab e, infine, sul pulsante Variabili d'ambiente.
4. Nella sezione Variabili di sistema, controllate se esiste già la variabile JAVA_HOME. In questo caso selezionatela e poi fate clic su Modifica. In caso contrario fate clic su Nuovo. La variabile JAVA_HOME deve contenere il riferimento alla cartella di installazione di Java (tipicamente C:\Programmi\Java\jdk1.6.0). Pertanto, nella finestra che apparirà, inserite il percorso all'interno della casella Valore variabile e JAVA_HOME all'interno della casella Nome Variabile.
5. In maniera analoga procedete con l’impostazione della variabile Path. La variabile Path fa riferimento alla cartella dove si trovano gli eseguibili di Java, quindi il suo valore dovrà essere %JAVA_HOME%\bin. If the variable already contains a value, not sovrascrivetelo but only add the new value, separating it from that already set by a semicolon.
6. Finally, you must set the CLASSPATH variable to point to the libraries of Java, its value should be.;% JAVA_HOME%.
7. Click OK, close all windows.

To see if the settings are correct and whether the installation is successful, open a DOS console (Start => Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt) and enter the command java-version . You should see appear java version "1.6.0" (or a version selected for installation).

Friday, August 28, 2009

Gaia Herbs Skin And Nails

Make transparent color of an image

I tried the following and I found it very good, therefore not covered: instructions from the blog Moosesoom . Thanks to the author for having reported the procedure that I am experienced and fully functional. I integrated what he wrote with other text.

You can find original page here:
1. Open the image using GIMP
2. Right click image and select:
-LAYERS> ADD ALPHA CHANNEL ( Layer / Transparency / Add Alpha Channel ). If it is already present an Alpha Channel, then it would be appropriate to remove the channel, or using The Gimp in Italian Layer / Transparency / Alpha Channel Remove.
3. Right click image and select:

SELECT-> BY COLOR (in Italian Select / By Color ).
4. Click on a color that you want to make this color will appear transparent 'surrounded by a dotted line at all points where you get the picture.

5. Then go to another menu, right click image and select:

EDIT-> CLEAR (in Italian Edit / Delete ).
The selected color should disappear from the image above and reveal the background of chess with GIMP which shows the transparent sections of an image.
6. Right click image and select:
SAVE AS (in Italian Save as )

If you want the newly created functions transparency on the web, you must make sure to save the image in GIF format .

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Syndrome

The Gimp and grayscale

To transform the free graphics program Gimp , picture, or part of it, grayscale, I suggest you read the following article .

1 - Conversion via "Grayscale" In summary, the first technique is automatic, let's do everything by the Gimp; menu: Image / Mode / Grayscale

2 - Conversion via "Desaturation" : command Desaturation be activated from the menu Colors> Desaturation ... is profoundly different from the command "Grayscale"
  • command grayscale transforms any image on which you are currently working in Gimp , including at all levels, the command Desaturation only the active layer.
  • command grayscale change the channels Red, Green and Blue destroying them and creating a new gray, from now on any drawing operation on the image will be grayscale, the command keeps desaturation three separate channels, so you can always paint operations of color or recolor it.
Warning: for this method functions, it is selected from the menu Image the RGB mode .

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What Was Britax Monarch Booster Seat Retired

U n altro paio di orecchini questa volta con perline di vetro verdi

stesso modello dei precedenti.....

ciao a presto

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pudding A La Protéine

earrings blue green flowers silver bracelet

... e dopo una lunghissima, imperdonabile assenza torno a postare sul blog.

Sono stata lontana dal mio spaces ma non dalle perline che sono sempre la mia passione

though now the time to beads is somewhat reduced.

I have so many pictures of new jewelry for publication, prepare the floor plan.

A hug to all the friends old and new blogging, especially the beloved Marilu and Liria

with which I have to congratulate the new blog.

's beautiful Liria!!

hello soon, Giò

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Can Walk In Clinics Prescribe Birth Control

Eclipse Plugin for Tomcat

The three most commonly used tools of those who develop JSP pages are:

  • Eclipse, an IDE from, which can be used to program in Java or other programming languages.
  • Tomcat is a J2EE web server dall'Apache Jakarta project.
  • Struts is a framework also produced dall'Apache Jakarta project. Here is a tutorial
to install a plug-in useful for starting and stopping Tomcat from Eclipse WebContainer.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2004 Open Rad Travel Trailer


  E' da molto che non inserisco nuove foto, però credo di avere una valida giustificazione ......

sono diventata MAMMA e il tempo per i bijoux si è un pò ridotto.

Comunque cercherò di recuperare il ritardo accumulato e pubblicare presto nuovi lavoretti.

Nel frattempo auguro a grandi e piccini BUONA EPIFANIA !!!!