Monday, January 31, 2011

Bushnell Elite 1500 Arc

Java Tutorial Google Maps API Directions

A tutorial in English on the Google Maps API Directions "Turn by turn, with directions of the route to follow.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Is Gabrielle Union Dark Skinned

The list of Metaverse thins?

I learned with great regret the Blog Opensource Obscure that Blue Mars is doing some internal restructuring to its cycle of development and deployment. The current CEO has announced that the company will focus on making the mobile world for pittaforma iOS a specific client. However, you can access through the client released for Windows, but the product, from what I understand, will not be updated. A pity this, because what we perceive is that the era of "Virtual Worlds" starts slowly being forgotten. Actually visiting some Metaverse freely downloadable and usable for almost all seem to be active. The "Grey Pilgrim" noted however that is perceived (rightly? Or wrong?) Which are always less than the avatars present. This does not mean that no one is, in fact just the opposite, but we are talking about small communities held together by a strong internal cohesion or a common goal. Nothing of course compared to the very different reality as Facebook or Wow.

List Metaverse visited
http:// /


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wireing Diagram Sandrail

How do you create a virtual world .... that is the future at your fingertips! Gamers

Internet is not just a simple communication network, not is a simple slide channel in which bit. Looks more like a bazaar full of interesting things and above all to discover. In a hidden corner, maybe with a little 'dust you can find the big idea, the particular technology, the ingredient that you need to create your own special and irreplaceable "creation." Leaving the beaten track and maybe fixed sites here to open up Web pages of a software project is shared by a university and here the idea of \u200b\u200btaking that piece, that one piece from another site and so on up to compose your own mental puzzle. What was our goal? Building a shared virtual world that has all the requirements of a truly immersive reality. And what's on offer? What are our options? Many in fact, seeing as I already said though spezzettao MayaVerse already exists in the basic components. But first things first and see what we need to realize the whole.

First, we need a 3D engine, which is a software system can manage the whole system of representation within a computer. The ideal is to have as a 3D Engine possible Open Source and cross-platform so as to be adaptable to different platforms and software hardwarw (a classic Windows, Linux and Mac ..). The possibilities are many, but these days I was reading the release later this year a new graphics engine built entirely open source and built with my beloved C # language : . html

From what we read will be completely free for Windows pittaforma and thus may be a good start (for the others we'll have to wait for their price ...). Ok, we have the three-dimensional environment and qulle everything we need to "draw" through a computer with special hardware now we need a way to make sure to capture accurately the user's interaction with our environment and create a beneficial feedback with it. It seems a trivial thing to do, but it is the true essence of a virtual system. If you think about it carefully at all times our various perceptual systems interact with the environment in a continuous cycle of change and perception. As rightly many studies have shown cognitive psychology users talk about "immersion" when interpreting the reality re-created the computer as a consistent, logical and interactive. Wanting to trivialize we feel "immersed" for example, because if we see an object represented, and if we move it move it this fall as we aspeteremmo in "normal" reality. These are just some of the fundamental as carefully analyzed:

http: / /

Certainly one of the first despotic needed to achieve this goal is the adoption of an output device generically called a " Viewer ". Or a helmet capable of playing with two small monitors the three-dimensional computer-generated environment. These viewers are not yet solto a couple of small televisions " two contrary to the eyes, but other devices that detect mountain positioning, eg head or play through the stereo micro speakers to give a representation of "stereoscopic" vision. They come in all sizes, but doing a little research I managed to find a model relatively inexpensive (about $ 1500 from what I see ...) that is released with a broad support on environment lil SDK ready to be interfaced in different ways with C # code and then to a large extent can be easily integrated with the previous 3D graphics engine.

We then come to have a system for three-dimensional representation and a viewer in grado di rappresentare il tutto ad un possibile utente (senza parlare di alcuni piccoli dettagli...manca ancora infatti il software per "unire ed integrare" tutto quanto ;-), un piccolo dettaglio...), quello di cui si ha veramente bisogno tuttavia è la possibilità di tracciarne tutti i movimenti . Immaginiamo di allargare le braccia e saltare, vorremmo che i nostro Avatar faccia lo stesso o si muova di conseguenza. Questo apparente sogno è stato reso in parte realtà dall'ormai mitico Kinect (ex Project Natal...): si tratta di un sistema equipaggiato da varie telecamere che proiettando un reticolo infrarosso intercetta in tempo reale i cambimenti riuscendo così a ricostruire una mappa tridimensionale dei movimenti dell'utente framed. After just one month of the marketing already one of the bloggers who contribute to Newfoundland had indicated the possibility of using it in Virtual Worlds. Hypothesis that seems almost a natural extension of this little but huge invention. The release of the libraries to interface with the Kinect did the rest thus creating incredible scenarios. Even more if two universities set to work and issue a special system that can track and interpret data coming from despotism to reconstruct the position of your limbs and body in space. Everything was brilliantly summed up in this post on

Tutto finito? ;_) Ovviamente no, c'e' ancora tanto da fare, da sviluppare e da testare, il nostro è soltanto un discorso teorico od almeno pensavamo che lo fosse.... Piccoli dettagli come l'utilizzo di standard aperti per l'interscambio tra mondi virtuali della rappresentazione tridimensionale degli oggetti con un apposito formato... Dettagli, imporanti, ma il risultato direte voi? Il risultato, qual'è??

Standard utili:

Il risultato è il futuro!!! Il Futuro!! Come potete vedere di seguito:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Can I Buy Inova Lights At A Store


this beautiful pictures found on the network 's Rainbow Muldrow Glacier in Alaska,
inspired me to make a pendant and a ring on a hexagonal base. ..