Sunday, March 13, 2011

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If you encounter serious difficulties or undesirable situations, it is not enough to say to yourself that you're not upset. Encountering embarrassing situations you have to push further ahead with courage and rejoice, almost had to overcome a barrier. As the motto: "When the water rises the boat goes up."
Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Hagakure .

Image source: The Boston Globe .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Family members of a civil party in the process Brahim

E 'planned March 18 preliminary hearing before the Court Gup in Venice on the death of small Nesid Brahim, the seven year old boy hit by a car Pellestrina a year ago and died as a result of their injuries. The lawyer Gianmarco Cesari in Rome will be familiar to the proceedings, the Italian Association of road accident victims who claimed damages, while lawyers Augusto Palese, and Gian Paolo Vianello Luca De Biasi will defend the family of the child. In addition to Aifvs, have formed a civil even his mother, three uncles who took care of Brahim as if they were their father and grandparents. "Launching a civilian part of this association is not revenge but justice - said Pierina War, regional coordinator of Aifvs - is certain is that this little angel sacrificed to the mad dash of a car, will remain forever in the hearts of all mothers, we all have think about this death as innocent because these tragedies are not repeated, especially on small strips of land as Pellestrina and Lido where in recent years of accidents if they occurred in the tens and with many dead and wounded. However I already had the satisfaction of Mobility Bergamo because the commissioner has accepted in full the demands of this association and committees arose. The promises made sembrano ora avere un futuro certo». Oltre alla ciclabile già realizzata a Pellestrina e intitolata proprio a Brahim, Comune e Municipalità stanno lavorando a Biciplan e Pgtu per ridurre i rischi sulle strade. (s.b.)

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meeting today with the axes of Pellestrina

«Una partita lunga cent’anni» è il titolo della conferenza che il Calcio Pellestrina ha organizzato per oggi alle 18 nella sede dell’associazione “Il Murazzo” in sestier Scarpa per proseguire con le celebrazione del centenario di attività. Saranno presenti molti giocatori usciti dal vivaio e arrivati fino alla serie B e A di calcio. Tra questi Adelino Zennaro, Andrea Boscolo, Duilio Gorin, Lamberto Scalabrin e Walter Ballarin. Also participating as a historic ban on the use Pellestrina Dino SCOA Vianello, Giuseppe Scarpa Baulotto, John Gavan Mae, Ostia Antonio Scarpa, Antonio and Daniel Zennaro Bigola Vianello Pope. Celebrates the centenary will continue until September, including a lot of old glories. (Sb)

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Friday, March 11, 2011

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Destroys the nursery, the ship seized

PELLESTRINA. not lose heart when they arrived that morning in January where they had made their nursery, they found everything destroyed. They tried to understand, to find out who he was and eventually it paid off and Monday caperbietà them in Ravenna, holding the decree of the court, have seized the Russian ship that had shattered their hopes.
They are members of the cooperative Laguna Viva. Last summer with a thousand sacrifices realize, at sea, three miles from the coast one of the largest mussel farms in our region: half a square kilometer of hard work, sweat and sacrifice. It is not yet in production but the same as requiring regular daily work and "seeding." Monday, January 22 arriving on site and find the disaster buoys broken, cut cables, cords sunk, 14-ton stones scattered everywhere. All lost. Understand that there may have been the weather. And imagine that some nave sia passata di lì. Eccoli che dopo il primo smarrimento si mettono a caccia del pirata del mare. È un pirata perchè come scoprono subito nessuno ha denunciato l’incidente alla Capitaneria di Porto. Qui trovano la massima collaborazione. Come ricorda Francesco Ballarin, anima della cooperativa, i militari s’impegnano per aiutare i pescatori a venire a capo di quanto successo. Nel frattempo i soci della cooperativa si affidano ad un pool di legali composto dagli avvocati Cristiano Alessandri, Roberto Senigaglia e Davide Vianello. Ottengono dalla capitaneria di porto i tracciati Ais (le tracce satellitari lasciate dalle navi in navigazione) e scoprono che il disastro è stato compiuto dalla nave russa Capitan Korcoin. Leaving Venice on the Saturday before, the wrong route and ended up on the nursery, had to leave a mess. Then began the hunt with the help of Korcoin Bigon Sante, a master of the ship which is now a consultant. They followed with the computer in his every move in the Mediterranean. Meanwhile came the decree of sequestration of the court, the lawyer Alessandri could notify the commander when the freighter docked in an Italian port. And so it was. In fact, Monday the ship, coming from Turkey, has tied-up in Ravenna. And here was seized. The dissquestro may happen only if the owner will send a letter to the solicitors of coop garanzzia of the surety insurance can cover any damage that will rise to almost one million euro.
Carlo Mion

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Mose, debate on safety at construction sites

(LM) 'Working on construction sites would not only provide materials, but also offer services of social importance, which must meet basic requirements such as security and reliability in the shipyards themselves. " So Marianna Tiso wanted indrodurre and explain the significance of the study day, the yards of Moses in Pellestrina on the quality of concrete works. In a time when the Lido and tutto il litorale è interessato da importanti progetti di sviluppo, la «Tiso Alfredo e Figli», storica azienda lidense, ha organizzato in collaborazione con GLF, (Grandi Lavori Fincosit), una giornata di studio.

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A license to fish in the sea

Il ministero delle Politiche agricole ha avviato il censimento dei pescatori sportivi
 Autorizzazione obbligatoria anche per chi va in spiaggia a caccia di vongole, peoci e cappe

816.jpg  Dal 1. maggio anche per andare a raccogliere vongole lungo l’arenile per farsi un risotto si dovrà avere un’autorizzazione Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. But also for fishing by the dam or from a boat (at sea) with a rod, or the spear. Or even without, simply remove the "peoci" by piles or boulders. Registration is free, for charity, online takes five minutes, but it will be a worry for many people, particularly elderly are not familiar with the computer. The objective is to conduct a census
anglers, those who fish for fun in your free time and maybe have a fishing license issued by the Province to fish in the lagoon. In 2008 there were about 38 thousand licenses required in Provincia, e se si contano anche quelli che arrivavano dai comuni limitrofi, pur fuori provincia, si toccano circa 50mila unità. Supponendo che ciascuno abbia almeno tre canne e porti a casa qualcosa (il massimo è cinque chili, c’è chi non li ha presi in tutta la sua vita, ma anche chi li assomma in un’uscita, se non di più) si vuol capire come la pesca sportiva incida sugli stock ittici del mare, in questi anni particolarmente poveri. Le sanzioni per la mancanza della ricevuta di avvenuta registrazione partono dai 1000 euro. La Capitaneria di Porto, che sarà uno degli organi preposti al controllo, invita a rivolgersi alle associazioni dei pescatori oppure ad accedere direttamente al sito, on which it is possible to register. The anglers will have to keep the receipt and keep it available. "Logic that there furiously against the family fishing clams in the sea - they say in Harbour - but it is important that this directive will be implemented mainly by those fishing lines, an increasingly popular pastime, and that threatens to deplete fish stocks sea. It is a census, for now, nothing more. "

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Calatrava got "writer" will pay to clean

This time the graffiti has been taken and smeared the bridge Caltrate. They surprised the police station Scali's the last night of Carnival. This is a 19 year old from Padua, who together with two other friends were intent on the parapet of the bridge designer with a permanent marker light blue. The plainclothes police on duty in the near Piazzale Roma, have noticed and intervened. The boy ran away but the soldiers reached the front of the station. Eventually he was denounced for soiling. The municipality then will submit the bill for costs incurred to clean up the writing. Investigations are under way to identify his accomplices.
instead ended up in handcuffs SD, 22 years old, Pellestrina. The young man was arrested Tuesday night at the Rialto with thirty tablets Ecstasy and two and a half grams of marijuana. The police of the Nucleus of the Company were on duty OperArt drugs when they saw a young man who was whispering with a bunch of guys. They noticed that the boy has moved on to something and others have spoken. At which point the young man threw down a bag which contained the tablets of pink that came out. It was ecstasy pills stamped with a cock and pink in honor of Women's Day. The boy, arrested, were also seized € 800 in small bills. Three other children were reported to the Prefect for sostazne use of drugs. (Cm)

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Pellestrina, here are the funds for storm damage

The City has received insurance funds to take action on public buildings and sports facilities damaged by the tornado last summer. While the ministerial funds for the residents every trace was lost, Ca 'Doubleday will soon intervene to restore the indoor stadium and Rowing Portosecco, the former school where Goldoni associations and civil protection are in serious trouble and the school gym Loredan become a temporary shelter for the sports clubs of the island. 'It's good news we've been waiting a long time - says the president of the Municipality Giorgio Vianello - We hope that the City can not move as quickly as possible with the work, in order to make these spaces usable again. The hope is that the Government unlock reimbursement for citizens who have suffered damage to homes, cars and bache. (Sb)

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Civil Defence headquarters unusable

After the tornado of 2010 public buildings forgotten
At the former school activities suspended Goldoni

unusable at: volunteers Civil Defence Pellestrina can not operate. The basis in fact, in S. Pietro in Volta, in a wing of the former elementary school Goldoni, had already been put strained by the tornado in July. Shingles fly, infiltration from the roof, smashed fences, all patched almost immediately, but without a great deal of serious reorganization. An interim safety measures, but it is too long. And the strong winds of last week, has complicated the situation by giving the coup de grace: new shingles fly, gutters torn, wobbly scaffolding. The thirty volunteers will be unable to enter their home, except for emergencies and accidents, including equipment, since the seat was deemed unfit for use, with control signals sent to the Municipal Civil Protection of Ca 'Doubleday. A situation that is common to all public buildings. The former school Goldoni, in addition to Civil Defence, has a group older, a doctor, "the small Museum of the lagoon," and also, in the gym, dance classes and gymnastics. The roof shingles is a chaos of flying, falling at the slightest gust of wind, there is a scaffold for seven months with a pass to allow entry and exit of users. Jobs? zero. So it is for the building and also for former public toilets in Pellestrina Tre Rose. The concern is that these resets are not carried out, especially the inability to operate the Civil Defence, valid reference point for any need.

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Conversion of integers, strings, double

Some examples of conversions of integers, strings, double in Java:

public class
ConvertiIntInString {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
Int int a = 1 ;
UnaString String = Integer.toString (a Int ) ;

public class ConvertiStringInInt {
public static void hand ( String [] args ) {
String = unaString "3478" ;
int unInt = Integer.parseInt (unaString ) ;
System.out.println ( unInt) ;

public class ConvertDoubleInString {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
double unDouble= 0.12 ;
String unaString = Double.toString ( unDouble) ;

public class ConvertiStringInDouble {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
String unaString = "4545" ;
double un Double = Double.parseDouble ( unaString) ;
System.out.println ( unDouble ) ;

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Office of Civil Defense ko because of gusts of bora

The tornado of July, had some damaged, but the bora a week ago has finally made unusable. And 'what happens to the headquarters of the former Civil Defence School of Pellestrina Goldoni. Leaks from the roof, smashed fences and damaged inputs already expecting a restoration of seven months, but the wind a few days ago did the rest taking away tiles from the roof and dropping the gutters. The thirty volunteers will be unable to enter the home if not armed with an injury-proof equipment, and the seat was deemed unusable, the command signal sent to the Municipal Civil Protection of Ca 'Doubleday. A significant problem for the staff of the island, as firefighters are at the Lido, in case of fire or other needs for years are always the first to intervene. But in all these conditions is complicated and urgent restoration work. (Sb)

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Monday, March 7, 2011

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Seminar on the use of concrete

(LM) Workshop, Wednesday, 9 am to 18 yards of Moses in Pellestrina, aimed at updating on the use of ready-mixed concrete in public works and in private buildings. To organize the "Tiso Alfred and Sons," Historical lidense company, in collaboration with Great Works Fincosit. The seminar takes place within the larger Project Concrete ", the national program of spreading the culture of quality in the manufacture and use of concrete, sponsored by the Board of Public Works.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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died in seven years overwhelmed by car. Hearing on 18

(LM), set for March 18, before the investigating magistrate Antonio Liguori, the preliminary hearing for the traffic accident in which, on April 15, was killed the little Nesibe Brahim, the child of 7 years, was hit by a car while riding his bicycle Pellestrina. The prosecutor asked the trial for the driver for manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol. Relatives of the child, followed by lawyers Augusto Palese, Gianni De Biasi Vianello and Paul, is a civil party, and will try to do the same thing, for the first time, the family association of road deaths. The accused is assisted lawyer Fred Warren. The story of Ibrahim was moved and shocked the whole Pellestrina, one year after the wound is still open. In memory of the small, recently opened in Pellestrina was also a bike path.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Mopeds and ferry solution for the subscription

(ab) In September, without notice Actv subscriptions had eliminated the ferry to the motor. If users Pellestrina with a fifty, cost just over € 2 to get to and from the Lido, today the same route will cost € 5:40. But for a few days. In fact, over the protests of citizens, started a motion at the City Municipal Councillor Danny a question of Councillor Carella and Scarpa Alessandro Marta. The change in Government has been about ten days ago, and the resolution has brought the situation to its previous state. Then reappear subscriptions to the fifties, both for line 11 for line 17. Specifically, the subscription to 10 trips for residents will cost € 14.50 to € 45 Carnet of 40 races. Carella Satisfied "for the team" and Scarpa that the adviser said: "It's a new victory. Just look at the data line 31, with trafficking-Pellestrina Chioggia, where from mid-January, after my request, tourists or those who are not resident, pay the reduction of the ticket, from 6 € to 4 € 50. Until February 21, 1487 tickets were sold, more than double over the same period last year. "

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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With the discount passengers doubled

Since the introduction of the discount for non-residents, on the route of Line 31 of ACTV Pellestrina between Chioggia and passengers have doubled. And 'the figure that emerges from the Fourth Committee Board of Ca' Farsetti who analyzed the situation at the request of Councillor Alessandro Scarpa Marta (List Brunetta). After the warnings and requests from Pellestrina, the same assessor Mobility, Ugo Bergamo, had proposed to implement the Actv account not only in summer on the coupon, but experimentally, even in winter. Vela has thus provided the data reported to the transit period between January 1 and February 21, with the result that a business € 6.50 for 60 minutes one-way network browsing (without reduction) were sold, 58. Those of 4 € (with reduction) have been rather detached 1487, more than double over the same period last year. "This shows that by reducing costs, exponentially increases the flow of tourists on this route - noted the director Scarpa - How to support my interpellation, we now have greater access line 31 resulting in increased revenue for both Actv that for the city. The next step will be fighting for this reduction could become the standard rate applied to line 31. " And in these days of Carnival already reported by several passages of tourists who go to Venice by Pellestrina Chioggia. (Sb)

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Assessor Maggioni

(AB) The promised 15 days ago, after a quick visit to island, and yesterday, the commissioner of public works Alessandro Maggioni returned to Pellestrina, accompanied by the City Council and Alessandro Scarpa Insula of the technicians, to become aware the real needs of the area. Already a few days after the first inspection, we saw the arrangement of the work required. Cleaning of drains in some streets, they could not drain the water when it rains, placement of poles for the safety and completing the square Zendrini, closing a couple of holes, the result of work undertaken for the provision of underground, and then left open. Yesterday, the focus has been shifted to road safety. Visits to the bike path, complete only the first 40 meters, while the rest, about 2 km on the road to the lagoon area is still dirt, impracticable, and bus stops in front of the scuole, dove la salita e la discesa dei bambini avviene pericolosamente sulla strada, perchè non esiste una piazzola di sosta. «L'assessore ha promesso un intervento immediato - conferma Scarpa - e visto i precedenti, non abbiamo motivo per non crederci. Sono molto soddisfatto».