Thursday, March 10, 2011

Konjac Noodles Montreal

Civil Defence headquarters unusable

After the tornado of 2010 public buildings forgotten
At the former school activities suspended Goldoni

unusable at: volunteers Civil Defence Pellestrina can not operate. The basis in fact, in S. Pietro in Volta, in a wing of the former elementary school Goldoni, had already been put strained by the tornado in July. Shingles fly, infiltration from the roof, smashed fences, all patched almost immediately, but without a great deal of serious reorganization. An interim safety measures, but it is too long. And the strong winds of last week, has complicated the situation by giving the coup de grace: new shingles fly, gutters torn, wobbly scaffolding. The thirty volunteers will be unable to enter their home, except for emergencies and accidents, including equipment, since the seat was deemed unfit for use, with control signals sent to the Municipal Civil Protection of Ca 'Doubleday. A situation that is common to all public buildings. The former school Goldoni, in addition to Civil Defence, has a group older, a doctor, "the small Museum of the lagoon," and also, in the gym, dance classes and gymnastics. The roof shingles is a chaos of flying, falling at the slightest gust of wind, there is a scaffold for seven months with a pass to allow entry and exit of users. Jobs? zero. So it is for the building and also for former public toilets in Pellestrina Tre Rose. The concern is that these resets are not carried out, especially the inability to operate the Civil Defence, valid reference point for any need.


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