Friday, March 11, 2011

Withdrawal Aid From Oxycotin

Destroys the nursery, the ship seized

PELLESTRINA. not lose heart when they arrived that morning in January where they had made their nursery, they found everything destroyed. They tried to understand, to find out who he was and eventually it paid off and Monday caperbietà them in Ravenna, holding the decree of the court, have seized the Russian ship that had shattered their hopes.
They are members of the cooperative Laguna Viva. Last summer with a thousand sacrifices realize, at sea, three miles from the coast one of the largest mussel farms in our region: half a square kilometer of hard work, sweat and sacrifice. It is not yet in production but the same as requiring regular daily work and "seeding." Monday, January 22 arriving on site and find the disaster buoys broken, cut cables, cords sunk, 14-ton stones scattered everywhere. All lost. Understand that there may have been the weather. And imagine that some nave sia passata di lì. Eccoli che dopo il primo smarrimento si mettono a caccia del pirata del mare. È un pirata perchè come scoprono subito nessuno ha denunciato l’incidente alla Capitaneria di Porto. Qui trovano la massima collaborazione. Come ricorda Francesco Ballarin, anima della cooperativa, i militari s’impegnano per aiutare i pescatori a venire a capo di quanto successo. Nel frattempo i soci della cooperativa si affidano ad un pool di legali composto dagli avvocati Cristiano Alessandri, Roberto Senigaglia e Davide Vianello. Ottengono dalla capitaneria di porto i tracciati Ais (le tracce satellitari lasciate dalle navi in navigazione) e scoprono che il disastro è stato compiuto dalla nave russa Capitan Korcoin. Leaving Venice on the Saturday before, the wrong route and ended up on the nursery, had to leave a mess. Then began the hunt with the help of Korcoin Bigon Sante, a master of the ship which is now a consultant. They followed with the computer in his every move in the Mediterranean. Meanwhile came the decree of sequestration of the court, the lawyer Alessandri could notify the commander when the freighter docked in an Italian port. And so it was. In fact, Monday the ship, coming from Turkey, has tied-up in Ravenna. And here was seized. The dissquestro may happen only if the owner will send a letter to the solicitors of coop garanzzia of the surety insurance can cover any damage that will rise to almost one million euro.
Carlo Mion


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