Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daniel Jones Sculpture

the trailer for TRON Legacy ... The Saga of Ryzom

Spesso quando sento parlare di programmi "Opensource" o in generale del movimento
Opensource ". Una delle licenze più famose è la GPL la cui caratteristica principale è quella di essere definita come una "licenza viral "anyone can edit the source code, but is obliged to release it to turn under the same GPL. Clearly, there are many different licenses with different possibilities so much that has been made to create lists

sites and comparison of different legal nuances. The main concept is valid and very interesting, however, provide an opportunity for everyone to change, modify, update, expand the software and then share with others their jobs. This idea, which apparently might seem very simple, has given rise to numerous software much used today are supported by large community of developers who strive to continuously improve software. The reasons are obviously the most diverse: some are easy to love, others for work, study, even in academic research. Often open source projects have developed from scratch entire opensource versions of commercial applications, or were born to the most diverse needs. Certainly this is an incredible movement that, thanks to the proliferation of computer skills in the world can build on the work of thousands of people each with their skills. Who in fact is not a developer may even help write manuals, tutorials or guides for use, charts to think the graphics and so on. The idea is so good, however after the initial excitement, most people begin to wonder and ask: "Ok everything is great, but I like camp? Who pays for my work?". The answer is simple and is based on the consideration that the equation "Open = Free" is totally incorrect and misleading. As we have amply demonstrated the general requirement is to release the source code of your software, no do not let you pay. You may well decide to sell your software or other products and services associated with the program achieved. One possibility is to create such a user fee to guide and illustrate how to run the software released or even make you pay as consultants. The modes are practically infinite and molto dipende da cosa offrite. Spesso poter scaricare migliaia di righe di un programma ha soltanto un valore inestimabile per chi ha le capacità di apportare modifiche a quel codice, ma gli utenti possono essere solo interessati all'utilizzo del software, non al suo sviluppo. Se scaricate l'ultimo sorgente XYZ rilasciato sotto licenza GPL, siete contentissimi, ma non capite nulla di compilatori e linker, cosa avete sul vostro Hard-disk? La risposta è semplice: nulla di utile e potrebbe essere un'occasione (giustamente) commerciale/economica per lo sviluppatore che ha trascorso centinaia di ore davanti ad un computer per far funzionare quel particolare calcolo o procedura. In realtà non esiste una ricetta semplice per comprendere come sviluppare, use, open source marketing a product, each case is unique, but the concept is basic to its revolutionary dare. We therefore think anyone has ever developed an MMORPG using open source tools? In a proceeding after we have given a positive answer to this question, but there 'who has gone further by building an entire middleware framework for creating a MMORPG. The whole MMORPG Ryzom which is freely modifiable under the GPL. The company that developed it has released the full suite of Ryzom
which is the best fruit. No coincidence that we read from their website (link: ): "In is working on Windows, Linux and Mac under the GNU General Public License .
Ryzom MMORPG is based on in the framework and is the best example of what you can do with Nel. " We can see an example of this amazing MMORPG game below:


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