Sunday, March 13, 2011

Significance Of Number 12 On Alabama Helmet

Stories For Japan

If you encounter serious difficulties or undesirable situations, it is not enough to say to yourself that you're not upset. Encountering embarrassing situations you have to push further ahead with courage and rejoice, almost had to overcome a barrier. As the motto: "When the water rises the boat goes up."
Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Hagakure .

Image source: The Boston Globe .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Get An Acne Cyst Removed

Family members of a civil party in the process Brahim

E 'planned March 18 preliminary hearing before the Court Gup in Venice on the death of small Nesid Brahim, the seven year old boy hit by a car Pellestrina a year ago and died as a result of their injuries. The lawyer Gianmarco Cesari in Rome will be familiar to the proceedings, the Italian Association of road accident victims who claimed damages, while lawyers Augusto Palese, and Gian Paolo Vianello Luca De Biasi will defend the family of the child. In addition to Aifvs, have formed a civil even his mother, three uncles who took care of Brahim as if they were their father and grandparents. "Launching a civilian part of this association is not revenge but justice - said Pierina War, regional coordinator of Aifvs - is certain is that this little angel sacrificed to the mad dash of a car, will remain forever in the hearts of all mothers, we all have think about this death as innocent because these tragedies are not repeated, especially on small strips of land as Pellestrina and Lido where in recent years of accidents if they occurred in the tens and with many dead and wounded. However I already had the satisfaction of Mobility Bergamo because the commissioner has accepted in full the demands of this association and committees arose. The promises made sembrano ora avere un futuro certo». Oltre alla ciclabile già realizzata a Pellestrina e intitolata proprio a Brahim, Comune e Municipalità stanno lavorando a Biciplan e Pgtu per ridurre i rischi sulle strade. (s.b.)

Funny Hatemail About You

meeting today with the axes of Pellestrina

«Una partita lunga cent’anni» è il titolo della conferenza che il Calcio Pellestrina ha organizzato per oggi alle 18 nella sede dell’associazione “Il Murazzo” in sestier Scarpa per proseguire con le celebrazione del centenario di attività. Saranno presenti molti giocatori usciti dal vivaio e arrivati fino alla serie B e A di calcio. Tra questi Adelino Zennaro, Andrea Boscolo, Duilio Gorin, Lamberto Scalabrin e Walter Ballarin. Also participating as a historic ban on the use Pellestrina Dino SCOA Vianello, Giuseppe Scarpa Baulotto, John Gavan Mae, Ostia Antonio Scarpa, Antonio and Daniel Zennaro Bigola Vianello Pope. Celebrates the centenary will continue until September, including a lot of old glories. (Sb)